
Foundation for Media Research
General Assembly

The PREZODE initiative hosts its First General Assembly on October 11, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm (UTC+2).

The General Assembly convenes all PREZODE’s members, from governments, academia, Research institutes, civil society, international organizations and foundations. The program for the meeting will include presentations of PREZODE Strategic Research Agenda, relate the latest developments on labelling, and launch calls for contributions to implement the operational Secretariat and Steering Committee. Open discussions to the scientific approach, Q&A sessions, roundtables, and key statements will enrich these presentations. The event will be an important milestone in the development of the initiative. Read more on the agenda.


Each member designated an individual entitled to participate to the vote on the Governance, open from October 4th to October 10. If you have not done so, fill the form accessible here to nominate your organization’s representative A secured link for the ballot, will be issued to the voters, as well as a dedicated connection to attend and participate to the GA. The event will be streamed in order to allow member teams and partners to follow the event. Your attendance and participation to the event will be significant!

Upcoming Event

Together with the World Health Organization, for its 2022 edition, the World Health Summit invites the world's leading international, intersectoral and inclusive to a global health conference. 6,000 participants will attend the event. All sessions will also be available online.